1. Name.
2. Age.
18, almost 19
3. Where are you from? (Speaking and understanding English will be crucial for raiding).
from Amsterdam in the Netherlands, I hope I have enough understanding of the slacky english of Fönz.
4. A little about yourself.
What can I say, I'm a social drinker, hate playing wow and like to chill with my good friends kakuros winry endosow and kanjer from the guild
5. Race.
IRL? Dwarf
6. Class
7. Proffesions.
375 mining, 353 engi
8. Your gear (Armory link would be fine).
The armory page is damn slow, I guess purple pixelzzz are harder to load.
http://armory.wow-europe.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sylvanas&n=Muraden9. Which Previous guilds have you been in, and why did you leave them?
Anointed 1 disbanded, redemption disbanded, anointed 2 My last hope aka Palamar, left the guild., seven, loads of hard and software problems at the time, so I left.
10. Playtimes (F.ex. 13:00 PM to 12:30AM). Raiding times - 19:00pm - 23:00pm with a possible stretch.
I can raid all weekdays I guess, except Friday, weekends are harder but I'm prolly there on Sunday
11. What raiding Experience do you have? (Raiding from before TBC should be mentioned)
zg: clear
Mc: clear
Aq20: clear
aq40: all but c'thun (seven)
BWL: razorgore and vael
Naxx: 1 raid there with seven so I wouldnt know it inside out tbh
TBC: I can dream most of the kara bosses by now :/
Gruul: maulgar down, gruul 12 %
maggy, ssc and higher: none But I saw teh epic tacticz moviez
12. Pre-quests, Karazhan Pre-quest is a must.
Only kara atm soz
13. Are you willing to respecc, if asked to?
well, yea I guess
14. What are your ingame goals?
Trying to become a legend ofc <3
15. What do you got to offer us?
A tank... Who am I kidding
I could have tried at least. I'm most used to healing, tanked some shit in kara as holy pala, that's a pain.
16. Why do you want to join us?
I know about 80% of the founders I think, love the players in the guild, I'm in need of a friendly guildchat again:)
That was it, lemme know what you think