1. Name
2. Age
3. Where are you from? (Speaking and understanding English will be crucial for raiding)
I'm from Norway. I got TS and Ventrilo, and i have no prob with understanding english.
4. A little about yourself
I've been playing wow for almost 2 years now. I became lvl 70 in february. If you need to know anything special, just /w me in game.
5. Race.
6. Class
7. Proffesions.
375 skinning +15 = 390. & 150 Engineering. (lving it atm)
8. Your gear (Armory link would be fine).
9. Which Previous guilds have you been in, and why did you leave them?
I was in Heroism but almost everybody left so it kinda disbanded, Seventh Sence disbanded too.
10. Playtimes (F.ex. 13:00 PM to 12:30AM). Raiding times - 19:00pm - 23:00pm with a possible stretch.
I can play from 15:00 - 24:00 (or longer if raid isn't over).
11. What raiding Experience do you have? (Raiding from before TBC should be mentioned)
Before TBC: Full Molten Core, Full Zul'Gurub, 4 first bosses in BWL + second last, chromagus or what his name is, Full AQ20, Full Onyxia.
After TBC: Attuman and Moroes in Karazhan. But i'll read and will learn taactics for the new bosses i'll meet in the future.
12. Pre-quests, Karazhan Pre-quest is a must.
Karazhan Pre Q done. (Mc, Bwl, Ony too if that matters:P)
13. What are your ingame goals?
Better gear, have fun and mabe get some new friends in The Guild
14. What do you got to offer us?
I can offer an active hunter who will be able to join raids, a friendly hunter, and a helpfull hunter
15. Why do you want to join us?
Because i need/want a guild to raid with and you guys sounds like an intressting guild.