1. Name. Drazzel
2. Age. 11
3. Where are you from? (Speaking and understanding English will be crucial for raiding). I am from Norway, can speak and type very well english would be no problem
4. A little about yourself. I am a boy at 11 years old im going on golf irl 2-3 times a week. Would be no problem for raiding
5. Race. Rogue
6. Class Night Elf
7. Proffesions. Leather Working (low)
8. Your gear (Armory link would be fine). you can inspect me ingame
9. Which Previous guilds have you been in, and why did you leave them? Im new on the server before i was on balnazzar, i was in a good karazhan guild. I left it because i wanted migrate server (sylvanas)
10. Playtimes (F.ex. 13:00 PM to 12:30AM). Raiding times - 19:00pm - 23:00pm with a possible stretch. i can play from 17.00 - 23.00
11. What raiding Experience do you have? (Raiding from before TBC should be mentioned) I have raid experience in MC,ZG,AQ20
12. Pre-quests, Karazhan Pre-quest is a must. karazhan pre-q done.
13. What are your ingame goals? My ingame goals is to raid whit nice ppl's and have fun in the game.
14. What do you got to offer us? A active rogue
15. Why do you want to join us? I want to join you because i want an experience guild and raid whit nice ppl's.